Friday, March 9, 2012


Social Media Policy

This assignment I was given the opportunity to Mr. David Hopkins site, Don't Waste Your Time. I have taken the time to explore around and found some interesting things. I placed a comment on his post about the key elements of Victoria, Australia's Department of Justice social media policy. The video that was provided was explaining the connections in social media between personal life and the workplace. The main point that was made is that the two should not overlap. As I commented on this post, Dr. Strange tells us that, 'We are leaving a intellectual trail for future employers', and the video clearly makes this point. There are thousands of social media networks. Twenty hours a month are used on these sites and privacy is a major issue. Individuals who use these networks should consider the privacy acts and understand that all of it is public. The video also explains that when commenting on social networks for a company that the comment is directed to everyone who works there; but when individuals comment personally it is a factor that people take into account. One example that places emphasis on this is posting pictures. The director placed a picture of someone that looks as if they had been partying, and asks the question would we want our employers to see that. I know I would not want that. Our personal life should not interfere with our professional.
The Conversation Prism

Dr. John Strange's Strange Thoughts


In Dr. Strange's blog, he provided some thoughts on lectures. Comments from Mr. Jeffery Young's article about Michael Welsch and lecturing. I agree with Mr. Young in that the messanger of a lecture is more important that the message. It is hard for students to keep along with an hour long lecture without being distracted. Therefore, having a professor who is actively engaging the students and making it enjoyable will help the student with attentiveness. That is the major problem with lectures.
student sleeping in lecture

As I commented on Dr. Strange's post, I hope to lead discussion based lectures. Lectures where the students are directed questions and have a active role in it. As Micheal Wesch states, the bond between professor and student is important. The students learning the material and retaining the information is equally important to me. Again as I stated in my post, what is the purpose of school and education if the students are not learning and retaining the information. I also think that smaller class sizes will help the issues of lecturing. With small classes the instructor can involve everyone in an active lecture.
active lecture

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